Leadership Name

Leadership Name

Leadership Name

Leadership Biography Lorem Ipsum Dolor Color ofasd adfa ace aeasdfae kadca konwe adowne adkna eoicn ealaksdn ase a faepona coie ancoeia coaneoi aioe aoeoie aioe

Leadership Biography Lorem Ipsum Dolor Color ofasd adfa ace aeasdfae kadca konwe adowne adkna eoicn ealaksdn ase a faepona coie ancoeia coaneoi aioe aoeoie aioe

Leadership Biography Lorem Ipsum Dolor Color ofasd adfa ace aeasdfae kadca konwe adowne adkna eoicn ealaksdn ase a faepona coie ancoeia coaneoi aioe aoeoie aioe

Company Background

BCEGI, LLC is an enterprise with a focus on the construction industry. BCEGI, LLC was initially established in April 2007 in Dallas, Texas, with the name BCEGI-USA, LLC, and changed its name to BCEGI, LLC in November 2010. BCEGI began operations in the beginning of 2012 in Calabasas, CA and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BCEG International Co.,Ltd (BCEGI).


Establishing BCEGI,LLC here in the USA is part of our long term strategic to further develop not only in the North American market but also globally. Since 2007, BCEGI-USA has completed several construction projects in Texas, Mississippi, and California, and has several other projects ongoing.




Deliver high-quality and cost-effective projects

Gain more market share in the US construction market

Build a team of industry professionals

Equal employment opportunity

Strategy and Implementation


Competitive Edge

We are very flexible in determining price.

We work very hard and we take success personally.

We have a caring team.

Strategic Alliances

Strategic agreement with The Export-Import Bank of China (TEIBC) and Griffin Real Estate Management, Inc.

Memorandum of Understanding signed with Cathay Bank

Management and Employee


Competitive work conditions, wages, and benefits

Strongly encouraged to voice concerns openly and directly to supervisors

Employees deal openly and directly with supervisors

Excellent work environment—clear communications & positive attitudes

Equal employment and advancement opportunities—decisions based on merit, qualifications, and abilities

GHJ Construction - BCEGI LLC . Is a construction management company that specializes in Residential, Mixed-Use and Multi-Family Construction.


Address: 21800 Oxnard Street Suite 220, Woodland Hills, CA 91367


Telephone: (747)-888-3333


Fax: (747)-888-3077




© Copyright • BCEGI-USA LLC., • All Rights Reserved •